
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

PNG Proverbs

Hello All,

I was recently employed by World Trade Press to collect and submit twenty "PNG Proverbs" for their AtoZ World Culture online resource. Over the years WTP has collected information from every country around the world to create an exceptional online database for educators and homeschoolers. Their most recent addition to each country's page is "Proverbs" - the old sayings, expressions, or idioms commonly used. As it turns out, the College of Nursing here at Kudjip
 is an epicenter of PNG cultural diversity.

I have truly enjoyed connecting with our Nursing students from every corner and island of PNG, and ended up receiving many more Proverbs than needed. What follows are some superb examples. ENJOY! 

Proverb in Tok Pisin:
Skul tok bilong mama muruk igo long ol pikiniki:  "Wanem samting pundaun kam daun em prut bilong diwai, kisim na kaikai, na abrusim wanem samting kam klostu long lek bilong yu, bilong wanem, em kam bilong bagarapim yu."
Translation in English:
A saying from the Cassowary to her chicks:  "Whatever falls from above is always the fruit of the tree, take and eat, but avoid anything from the ground moving towards you, because it will bring you harm.
If anyone comes to you and corrects your mistakes, accept him, but never listen to the one who covers up your mistakes, because he brings destruction to your life.

Proverb in Tok Pisin:

Kirap bek ken long dust.
Translation in English:

(You can) Rise up from the ashes.
After the Bougainville rebellion was brutally repressed, this saying has been adopted to instill hope for a better, independent future.

Proverb in Tok Pisin:
Mekim wanem samting yu ken na Papa God bai mekim long wanem hap yu sot lo mekim.
Translation in English:
Do what you can, and God will take care of what you can't do.
If in Faith you do your best, God in Love will do the rest.
(...yes, I just made up that sweet rhyme.)

Proverb in Tok Pisin:
Taim i no inap kambekgen. Em go na go olgeta.
Translation in English:
Time can not wait. It goes and goes completely.
Time cannot be recycled.

Proverb in Tok Pisin:
Lukautim ol lapun, harim tok bilong ol na bihainim olgeta tok skul ol i givim long yu na yu tingting pas long ol na givim wanem samting ol laikim long en, embai yu kamap wanpela gutpela man bihain i got biknem na gutpela sindaun. Bai yu stap longpela taim long graund na kamap gutpela man i gat biknem na gat planti samting na sindaun gut.
Translation in English:
Respecting old people, listening to their instructions and commandments, and giving priority to them helps you to become a good, respected, and successful person. Then you will live a long life as a good man with respect, wealth, and success. 
Respect your elders, and their wisdom will be yours for life.

Proverb in Tok Pisin:
Mani em i no laip.
Translation in English:
Money is not life.
Expense doesn't matter when it comes to taking care of your loved ones' needs.

Proverb in Tok Pisin:
Heven na graun bai pinis tasol tok bilong God bai i no inap pinis.
Translation in English:
Heaven and earth will pass away but the Word of the Lord will never pass away. (Matthew 24:35)
Biblical reference, used in the face of life's trials to remember that while life on Earth is short, God and His work will last forever.

PNG Region:  ENGA
Proverb in Tok Pisin:
Wara contana save buruk long aus doa.
Translation in English:
The container filled with water is breaking right at the door.
The product of much investment is now spoiling at its time of harvest. (A student supported by the village for many years fails to earn their degree.)

PNG Region:  HELA
Proverb in Tok Pisin:
Yumi rolim nupela simuk.
Translation in English:
Let's roll new smoke to smoke.
Seeking opportunity to initiate physical confrontation with your rival. "To pick a fight."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And for those suckers who love cute kids (that would include ME), here are recent pics of my two PNG namesakes, little "TED" who is growing well and always smiling, and Rhonda's baby "TEDDY" who is adorable. :-)

Yes, Teddy's father's name is "Diri".
I actually think my mother used to call me Teddy Deary...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

UPDATE: Rhonda + Baby

Dear Friends and Family,
I am pleased to announce the joyful birth of Rhonda Molgna's baby boy, endearingly named "Ted"! :-)

If you missed Rhonda's heartbreaking story, please click HERE to catch up.

Chaplain John found me this morning after my Peds Ward rounds, excited to share that Rhonda was in the final stages of delivering her baby. I went by for a visit to find the still wet newborn snuggled on a very tired mama's tummy, but everyone smiling and thankful to be through with the process.

Tonight I made another visit, bringing Rhonda some chocolates and a couple small presents for baby Ted. She was very happy to pose for a couple of pictures and wanted to say thank you to all of YOU for your prayers.

As requested, here are picture comparisons of her big toe (with cancer) before amputation, and her foot nowadays.

This newborn time is meant to be one of happiness, and I rejoice to share that Rhonda is FULL of our Lord's joy and peace. We are still waiting for the chemotherapy which is to be sent from the Lae hospital, so please keep this chemo, as well as Rhonda and baby Ted, in your prayers.

Love from PNG,
Ted (the former)

Friday, June 12, 2015

Celebration of 10 Years

A couple weeks ago, Rachel and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. Every year has been different, full of adventures and new relationships, and every year our marriage has grown stronger as we have individually drawn closer to God. Both having Type A personalities, there have certainly been willful battles along the way, but more often we have learned the value of bending for the other's sake, living out a selfless love which Christ has demonstrated to us over and over. 

Pastor Terry King, who officiated our wedding, said these words:

So it is in the bonds of Christian marriage, 
that God’s love should be most true.  
It is giving, it is fearless, it is placing others before ourselves, 
it is laying down our lives, our dreams, our plans, 
for the sake of others, it is not in word only, but in action.  
When we express love in these ways, 
we are offering the closest earthly example of God’s love.  
When that happens He is pleased and we are blessed.

Many of you, dear readers, were not able to be present for our wedding 10 years ago...which I would like to part. Please enjoy Pastor King's complete wedding outline here: Wedding Sermon & Vows

To celebrate 10 amazing years of blissful union, Rachel and I renewed our wedding vows on May 23rd under the bright PNG sunshine - our missionary family and many national staff members present to cheer us on. Rachel and Jordan Thompson, who are now living in the Bennett's old house, were very kind to host the ceremony in their gorgeous front lawn (with panoramic views).

To kick off the ceremony, a small troop of Station kids performed an interpretive dance, all about Love. Meanwhile to the side, Rachel and I got lined up behind Reverend Jeff Myers, with the choir members of Kulamp Nazarene on either side of us, instruments in hand. (Kulamp is the little bush church where Rachel and I recently spoke.) Three MK kiddos drafted as flower girls took up the front of the procession. 

I'd like to emphasize just how beautiful the Kulamp choir made our entrance. They formed two rows on either side of us, sidestepping with their dance as we slowly walked forward. Their voices rising and falling, singing a Pidgin hymn with the word "Hosanna" repeated often, they raised and waved their hands in a fan fair of celebration, to the beat of a traditional drum with accompanying guitar and tambourines. It was not a quick procession, but a few steps at a time, and we reveled in the surrounding beauty of God's creation - bright sunshine, cool breeze, constant birdsong, and breathtaking vistas - and we sang along "Yu mi hamamas long praisim God, sing Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna long God antap!"

Centered on a small bamboo archway, we stood side-by-side as Jeff delivered a heart-warming message about Love (and to our amusement, incorporated some of his favorite secular songs from the 80's). 

We then faced one another and repeated the same powerful vows which Pastor King led us through 10 years ago:

I, Ted, take thee Rachel, to be my wedded wife.  
To have and to hold, from this day forward, 
for better or worse, for richer or poorer, 
in sickness and in health, 
to love, cherish, and honor, till death do us part, 
according to God’s Holy Ordinance, 
and so, I pledge my faith.

To conclude the ceremony, Baru and Christina Dirye placed a PNG flower ring around us, and Chaplain John explained the ring's traditional significance - a representation of the bond formed between husband and wife. We closed with scripture verses read by the Dirye's and McCoy's, group prayer, and of course my favorite part, kissing the bride! :-)

Proverbs 3:3-6
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; 
bind them around your neck, 
write them on the tablet of your heart. 
Then you will win favor and a good name 
in the sight of God and man. 
Trust in the LORD with all your heart 
and lean not on your own understanding; 
in all your ways acknowledge him, 
and he will make your paths straight. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thank you to everyone who helped pull this ceremony together, and photo credit to our dear friend Esther Crouch!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Love Extravagantly!

Having recently celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary (blog + pics coming soon), I was inspired to reflect on the ways that God has enabled us as a couple to minister together. It is quite humbling to think about ourselves as we were when we were newly married. I realize how far God has brought us…both in our relationship…and in our growing passion for seeing His Kingdom here on earth through intentional love and service for others. Over time, God has given us a shared vision for discipleship and community, and I feel so blessed that we have been able to serve in this capacity…even here in PNG!

I was under the false assumption that our time here in Kudjip would mainly consist of serving our two very separate, and very different roles on the mission station: Teddy working at the hospital and me teaching the missionary kids. To my delight, we have had more opportunities to minister together as a couple here than ever before! Below are some examples of what we have done.

Speaking & Worship!
In our time here in PNG, we have had numerous opportunities to minister in a church-gathering setting. Teddy has mastered the art of preaching in Pidgin, and does very well communicating spiritual concepts in a very literal language. Typically, when he is sharing a message, I will play/sing a worship song that accompanies the message. 

Ministering at a mid-week service at the Hospital Chapel


Speaking at a bush church 
Pastor Melix and his congregation

Big Brother & Big Sister!

Since January, we have been hosting a group of local nursing students in our home as a part of the Big Brother/Big Sister program.  There are about 10 students in our group, 3 guys and 7 gals. The students come from all different regions of PNG and have various faith backgrounds. We recently had them over for a pizza & movie night…we watched “The Princess Bride”…they LOVED it!! : )
Getting ready to chow down on some pizza...
Watching the Princess Bride!

Me and some of my gals on a hike!

Those of you that know us well understand how passionate we are about the Lord using our home/hospitality. We believe that our home (wherever it is) belongs to God and is His to use. We have practiced this same principle here in PNG, and so besides hosting nursing students twice a month, and having various volunteers to dinner, we also have been hosting a weekly Bible study. We are currently finishing up the book of Philippians and plan to start another Epistle after that.

 Sunday afternoon Bible Study Crew...I had to stand on the kitchen counter to fit everyone in!  :)

Food Delivery!
Recently, there was a shortage of food at a local orphanage near Kudjip. Within 24 hours, the missionaries pulled together 800Kina and supplies. Teddy and I, along with Carolyn (a short term volunteer) and Dr. Jim, had the privilege of buying the groceries and supplies and delivering them to the orphanage. Sister Ruth and her husband Steven run the orphanage and currently house 47 children who are all infected with HIV. Several gathered to help us unload the supplies, and Teddy led us in a prayer for Ruth, Steven, their ministry, and the children. It was amazing to meet these two selfless warriors for the Kingdom.

Shopping for supplies!
Delivering & unloading...
Sister Ruth & Steven with some of the orphans they care for...

“Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with Him and learn a life of love. 
Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of Himself to us. Love like that.”
 - Ephesians 5:1-2 (The Message)

I end this blog post with a challenge for our readers:
  Love extravagantly…not cautiously.
Do something intentionally and purposefully for the benefit of someone else today… Invite someone into your home…prepare a meal…make someone who is new in a situation feel comfortable and included…see a need and don’t just think “someone should do something about that”… Do Something About It…“Learn a life of Love!"