
Friday, December 27, 2019

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

May Peace, Love, Joy, and Happiness
reign in your homes this Christmas Season
and may the New Year bring abundant blessings 
to you and your family!

Love ~ Ted, Rachel, Penniella, & Solomon

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

3-2-1 BLAST OFF!!!

Happy Belated Thanksgiving Everyone!

We are now just THREE months away from boarding a plane to Papua New Guinea! Our applications are completed, fundraising is underway, our travel itinerary & travel insurance are being finalized, and we are prayerfully awaiting PNG Visa approval. 

PLEASE continue to keep us in prayer - specifically that we can raise the necessary funds (still about $2,800 shy of our goal), and for expedited approval of the Visa.

CLICK HERE to Donate. Thank You!!!!

All for Him,
Ted, Rachel, Penniella, & Solomon