
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Being Present and Being Helpful

A message from Rachel: 

In case you've been wondering, below is what the kids and I have been up to during our first few weeks at Kudjip.  While Ted is serving at the hospital each day, a good chunk of my time is spent doing homeschool and daily domestic necessities.  Outside of that, I strive to be an encouragement to the full-time heroes here by being present and willing to help however I can... that's my calling as a missionary mom!

Here are some of the things we are doing:

- Jumped back into our morning homeschool routine 

- Meet Ted every Sunday morning on the Pediatric Ward where he leads a short devotional for the patients and their families, then we all attend the local church together

-  Play outside A LOT with missionary and Papua New Guinean friends

- Love on some of the full-time missionary families by hosting them for meals

- Teach Music at the Elementary School - we are working on learning a song to sing as a special at the Easter Lotu (Church Service) ... we also do some dancing

- Teach Art at the Elementary School - I am not a "crafty" person at all, so this is a bit of a stretch for me - our first project was a paper palm craft for Palm Sunday

- Provide childcare a couple days a week for two rockstar missionary mommas who are filling in as full-time teachers at the school

Thank you for your prayers for ALL of us as we serve here in PNG!  

Pennie doing schoolwork

On a walkabout with our friend John

Teaching the kids how to play "War" on a rainy evening

The MK's showing off their Paper Palms

Solomon doing school work

Walking half of my music class to school across station 

Popsicles on the porch!

Crosses made from Palm Leaves in Sunday School

Solomon's favorite snack... suga prut 

Ted leading a devotional on the Pediatric Ward


Solomon & Pennie on the bridge Ted built the last time we were here

Shelling garden peanuts Ted received as a gift

On the playground

In the backyard

Rain rolling in over the mountains

Solomon WAY up in a tree

1 comment:

  1. Amen Rachel! And the LORD GOD said, it is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him an help meet for him.(Genesis 2:18). We are continually praying for the Henderson Family and ALL at our church. GOD BLESS and Keep you ALL, and your families, as you do what GOD called you to do, In JESUS' Name. Diane Ross
