
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Your Lasting Impact

We are in our last week of service at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, and we remain deeply grateful to many of you who have given financially toward our missions work. With surplus funding for this trip we have kept our ear to the ground for opportunities to invest into people or programs supporting the ongoing work of ministry in PNG. Today we came face to face with the perfect vessel for Kingdom investment - namely in the person of Elias Gaijamb.

The Highlands of Middle Ramu

Elias is a young man from the highlands of Middle Ramu attending seminary at the Tuman campus of MNBC (Melanesian Nazarene Bible College), which is just a few minutes drive from where we've been working at Kudjip. The Nazarene church has had a major influence in Middle Ramu, and it is now one of the strongest Districts in the Melanesian Region. There are no roads to this District, necessitating either an airplane ride or a few days hard hiking to get in or out. Elias grew up with both his parents in ministry, and has pursued Christ and a call to ministry from a young age. His District selected him and another student to attend Bible College, but then stopped providing funding for him after the first year or so. Being a responsible and diligent worker, Elias took on gardening and landscaping at the campus to help pay for his school fees, but he missed completing his degree last year because he didn't have enough funds. Now in his last year to earn a Bachelors of Ministry Degree, this information about Elias was passed along to us when we inquired about finding an opportunity to invest surplus funds. 

Tuman Bible College, est 1973

After clinic this afternoon we caught a ride with fellow missionary Aggie Muaror to Tuman where we met Elias and a few staff members at the beautiful Bible College campus. Elias shared his story, and expressed sincere gratitude for our partnering with him to complete Bible College this year. We shared contact info, snapped a few pictures and then prayed with Elias. 

When I asked Elias what his favorite Bible verse is, he quoted Luke 18:27, which says "Jesus replied, 'What is impossible with men is possible with God.'" Here in the mission field we have seen God repeatedly make impossible things possible, and to our great joy, it frequently manifests in the space of our obedience to love, serve, and invest into our PNG brothers and sisters. From your generosity in financial and prayer support we have once again enjoyed the privilege of serving in PNG, stepping into countless divine appointments, each with ripples of Kingdom impact affecting generations. We couldn't do this without you. 
Thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to give a gift that keeps on giving from a gift that was given to you! 🙌🏼 Praying for you all to feel settled in finishing the good work the Lord has planned for you in these final PNG days. Praying for safe and smooth travels, plenty of sleep for the kiddos and looking forward to seeing y’all soon! 🙏🏼
