Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Viewer Discretion Advised

This morning on the Pediatric Ward I was blessed to joyfully discharge a large number of my patients, including this giggly little guy (pictured above). When his mother looked at this picture of her sweet boy between me and the Jesus mural she declared Jesus has worked in me to care for her son. Praise the Lord! This moment was captured just minutes before I grieved signing a death certificate for an infant that just yesterday occupied the next bed. What a roller coaster of emotions!

Welcome to every day at Kudjip Hospital - no matter how many wins we enjoy, the crushing losses are a daily reminder of the fragility of life and our proximity to eternity. Just last week after I celebrated the recovery of our paralyzed spinal TB boy being discharged home (pictured below taking steps!), I later diagnosed two terminal cancers (liver and pancreatic) in the Outpatient Clinic. These two men were not much older than myself and they won’t live to see the end of this year. Being on call that day I also coded a young man dying on B Ward. I was so thankful to have my missionary brother Dr Mark Crouch on hand to guide the resuscitation efforts, but the patient died a short time later. 

I am no longer surprised with these terminal cases, as common as they are here, but explaining to the patient and family members that we have no medical or surgical options to help them is brutal. I am striving every day to avoid becoming comfortable or complacent with the loss of life. This numbing is a common defense mechanism for someone frequently witnessing trauma/death, which I fear might rob me of the appropriate heartbreak that should accompany every life lost. (I am reminded of Jesus own grief in John 11:32-35 when his dear friend Lazarus died.)

When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. “Where have you laid him?” He asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. Jesus wept.

THANK YOU so much for praying for these cases and for all of us here doing our very best to help and heal in Jesus’ Name. There are too many cases and stories to share them all, but I have sought to capture a few examples below which I hope will continue to inspire your prayer support.

I pulled this boy from the Doctor’s Line in OPD last week and took him to the ER for a sedated I&D of his neck ABSCESS. With a lot of pus drained and a night of IV antibiotics on the Peds Ward he looked like a million bucks the next day. Here at Kudjip we daily see many cases of various infections which we can attribute to poor living conditions - sleeping on the ground, drinking dirty water, and having limited hygiene options. 

This sweet lady with long-standing ovarian CANCER came back to the hospital for another drainage (paracentesis) of excess abdominal fluid (ascites). The cancer is sadly inoperable and the tumor burden has become quite large, but it’s the build up of ascites which currently causes more pressure on her lungs and GI tract. I was more than happy to help drain the fluid, and as she is a believer we had a wonderful chat about how she can use her remaining time to share the Gospel. I often share Philippians 4:4-7 in these situations, encouraging the believer to rejoice and receive amazing peace in the midst of their trial.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I have already diagnosed at least ten cases of TUBERCULOSIS since returning to Kudjip. Along with HIV, Syphilis, and Malaria, TB is endemic in PNG, and we frequently check all these tests for very sick patients as they can present with similar symptoms. This particular young man had the wasted appearance that immediately made me think of TB, and his chest x-ray confirmed the Pulmonary TB diagnosis. As we have excellent medications for TB, I am always thankful to share this diagnosis and reassure them they do not have cancer. 

I had time the other day to visit our Supply Warehouse and dig through donated BREAST PUMPS. We had a young mother and baby on A Ward with some breastfeeding/latching issues and I was hoping a manual breast pump might be the solution for this malnourished baby. After finding a couple pump options I worked with the mother and nurses to train on using the manual pump and we are praying this will ensure the baby is well fed at home.

This little guy is a classic case of MALNUTRITION in Papua New Guinea. Once toddlers are no longer getting breastfed, it’s pricey for subsistence farmers to obtain protein foods, so the toddlers waste away on garden foods, flour balls, and soft drinks, until the family finally brings them to the hospital because of a terrible diarrheal illness or pneumonia. We have a wonderful protocol for getting these kids nourished and most can be discharged home within a couple weeks. But, it’s not uncommon the more severe cases die during their hospital admission and it’s extremely common that many are re-admitted at a later date with recurrence of the same malnutrition/illness as nothing has changed at home. One of my hopes during this trip is to reduce readmissions by improving the handoff of discharged children to our PHS (outpatient primary care team) for optimal education, supplies, and follow-up. Please pray for this endeavor. 

Sunday night, 2:15AM, the house phone rings. I am on call and it’s the ER nurse asking me something… I shake the sleep from my brain and ask her in Tok Pisin to say it again. She sounds worried and asks me to come see a man with a machete chop through his shoulder. My first thought is to ask her more questions - how deep? how much blood? are his vitals stable? Then the idea crosses my mind that I could ask them to instead call the surgeon on call - surely they would be better at managing this kind of trauma?! My third thought, sharing the same split second as the first two, was “No, I’m here to help and if I can manage this chop, then I should.” So I simply replied, “OK, I am coming.” 

I change quickly into the work clothes I’d left near the front door, grab my medical bag, and briskly walk the quarter of a mile across Station to the emergency room. The walk is well lit by street lights but entirely deserted at this late hour. In contrast I find the ER fairly occupied, more than half the beds full of patients getting IV fluids or other treatments and a few staff wearily enduring their night shift. A well muscled man is lying very still on one of the trauma beds, blood pooling on the plastic sheet under him. Donning latex gloves I make my way through a small group of worried folks beside him and carefully lift a large dressing from his Left shoulder. The machete chop is long and deep, but his collar bone and shoulder blade had deflected the machete from damaging any major blood vessels or penetrating his lung. He’s awake enough to relay some discomfort with my finger probing the depth of his wound. I then touch around his shoulder and arm in different places and he affirms he still has feeling in each place. He also moves his arm/hand muscles well enough to reassure me none of his major nerves have been severed. 

His vitals are stable and the staff have already started IV fluids. It’s decision time and an insecure impulse interrupts the moment to suggest I wake up the surgeon on call to come help …then just as quickly I  repel the thought knowing I can manage well enough given the patient’s stable state. I’ll just close the wound sufficiently for surgery to later do a proper job in the OR. I ask the nurses to set up the Lac Tray and thank the Lord I remembered to pack a bright head lamp in my medical bag. Because the wound is so deep I ask for absorbable suture to pull the tissue together, but they only have one available and it has a tiny needle...oof…this will be challenging. Settling my heart with a Jesus-peace that surpasses circumstance I get to work swabbing the wound with iodine and discover a “bleeder” after removing a large blood clot. The small vessel pumps enough blood that it pools in the space making it hard to find. A couple blood-soaked pads later, I’ve got a hemostat clamping the vessel and the large ragged wound swabbed clean of all clots and debris.

Again exploring the wound’s depths, as long as my pointer finger in some places, I decide a little analgesia would be a kindness to the patient and practical for me as I’ll need him to hold still. The closest nurse stops her work to help inject a dose of Ketamine and Valium into the man’s IV line, and I set to work injecting Lidocaine all around the edges of the wound near the skin. After tying off the bleeding vessel I realize the wound is gaping too far apart for me to easily pull the tissue together and ask one of his family members to help elevate his arm. The next 30 minutes is back breaking work bending over the wound using that tiny suture needle to pull together big bites of tissue and close the deeper spaces. I place a couple drains as well to assist with drainage and reduce the risk of infection. Switching out to a strong braided nylon suture with a blessedly long needle I then tackle closing the top inch of tissue and skin with six large bites.

Brow damp and back aching, I finally straighten up and view the finished job with thanksgiving. I am thankful this wasn’t the first big chop I’ve sutured at Kudjip over the years, and thankful I didn’t have any major bleeders to contend with, and thankful for the peace knowing a very experienced surgeon would be coming behind me another day to redo most of my suturing work, and thankful the Lord inspired me to tackle this job and save someone else a couple hours sleep in the middle of the night. A little while later I am refreshed by a cool night breeze on the walk home and I reflect on a dozen ways the job might have been done better given other circumstances. But then the soul-lifting feeling of thankfulness remains - to be the hands of healing and help is a rich blessing indeed, even (and maybe especially) when things aren’t perfect. 

I have a tattoo on my left forearm of a Cross adjacent to the map of Papua New Guinea. When I am far from here it is a reminder to pray for my Kudjip missionary family, for the hospital staff and patients, and for the country of PNG. As I’m sure you can expect many people here have noticed this tattoo and find it very endearing. I tell them they are always in my heart, even when I am not with them. But for now, I am thanking JESUS for this precious time to serve in PNG. And thank you again, so many of you, who have supported our trips to be here.

       ALL our Love and Thanks,

        Ted, Rachel, Penniella and Solomon

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Faces and Places ...

 ... an update from Rachel 

It is an absolute joy to be back at Kudjip and reconnect with all of our family here, both missionaries and Papua New Guinean.  Distance and time fade away as we pick up friendships right where we left off the last time we served here.  Pennie & Solomon have adjusted well, and never cease to amaze me with their ability to hop across several time zones and jump into another culture with reckless abandon (literally).  It has been interesting to experience this trip through their eyes, because they have memories of the last time we served here and recognize quite a few faces and places.  Although I anticipated a bit of homesickness from them, there has been little to none.  Pennie & Solomon seem to grasp that our friends here are the soldiers on the front line, serving tirelessly and selflessly…and we are the reserve forces, providing additional reinforcement when needed, and always supporting the mission … both abroad and at home.  

"God has given us the task of telling everyone what HE is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ Himself now: 
Become friends with God; He’s already a friend with you." (2 Corinthians 5:20 MSG)

Below is an assortment of photos and snippets of what the kids and I have been up to since we arrived. Thank you for staying connected with us and the work put before us!


Each morning, the kids wake up and immediately go out onto the back porch to feed the cat and swing in the hammock seats - thank you for sharing Stewardson Family!  I am all for starting the day with some sensory input and nervous system regulation!  : )

After breakfast, we send Ted off to the hospital, and jump right into school work – very similar to our routine back in Richmond.  We are growing accustomed to a different set of distractions here while working on school.  In Richmond, it is the garbage truck, an occasional Amazon delivery, or the dog barking at a squirrel.  Here, it is an excavator driving past, the sound of sheep, or an occasional knock on the door from a friend selling produce.  

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we take a late-morning break to walk down to the Elementary School to join morning recess.  This allows Pennie and Solomon an opportunity to stretch their legs and play with the other missionary kiddos, and provides a break for one of the teachers to stay inside and get caught up on grading/planning/etc. 

         Walking back from recess
            Solomon's friend found a frog to join in the play

   On Tuesday afternoons, I teach a Music & Movement class at the Elementary School. I have been introducing the students (K-6) to rhythm and tempo, and have been able to incorporate some fun games and activities thanks to some GREAT suggestions from our Richmond church's Family Ministries Pastor, Lisa Eggert and Arts Academy Director, Nicole Pearson. The class is called Music AND Movement, because we learn… we sing… and then ... we DANCE!      

On Friday mornings, I host a Preschool Group for the little MKs (2yrs – 6yrs).  We play, read books, sing songs, and also DANCE!  Pennie and Solomon are troopers about cramming extra school work in Mondays – Thursdays so that we can have Friday mornings free to host the littles – they are great teacher assistants!  The goal/hope in hosting a weekly Preschool Group is to give the missionary mamas the morning OFF. 

An unexpected addition to my resume here is Shepherdess.  The two sheep that we are caring for occasionally graze themselves into tricky places (a steep jungle ledge).  I have now twice had the privilege of climbing/sliding down the jungle ledge and rescuing a stuck sheep.  Pennie observed and hollered from the porch above, “You’re like Jesus rescuing the lost sheep Mama!”  I cannot help but chuckle at her encouragement and marvel at God’s endless love for us – sliding through the thorny, muddy messes we get ourselves into and hoisting us up and out time and time again with the gentle reminder, “Don’t go there kiddo, it’s not safe.”  

This past weekend’s highlights were: a pizza night with friends, Ted teaching the kids how to play the game of LIFE, a rock-hunting river expedition, and a visit to Konduk Church (a local church that we have been visiting since we lived here 10 years ago).  Our friend, John Opa, and his family, are church and community leaders there.  Ted expertly navigated the very bumpy and even more slippery terrain up to the church, and we were able to walk the steep remainder of the climb with John and his family.  We were greeted warmly by the congregation, Ted shared a word of encouragement during testimony time, and I was blown away (like always) by the heartfelt and genuine worship.  It is a blessing to experience the Presence of God among our PNG brothers and sisters.  (Video with sound at the bottom of the post)

River rock hunting

The game of LIFE!

On the walk up to church

With John and his family

The kids looking out/down at Kudjip in the distance

Ted sharing during testimony time

Friday, March 14, 2025

Being Present in God's Calling

There wells up in me a deep gladness, a fulfillment of promise, a joy unspeakable, a wholeness of being present in God’s calling. My spirit which has been so thirsty for this place and these people, now drinks deeply, savoring each moment. I do not walk, but float around Kudjip Station, a silly grin on my face greeting all the hospital staff in Jesus’ name, shaking every offered hand, stopping to rejoice and reunite with this beautiful Family of God. I feel a burden to remember every name and face, but peace in the same moment knowing their love extends beyond my failing memory. There’s a spirit of expectation in these moments of reunion, my own hope to know and love and serve them well in the short time I have here, and their hope an earnest reflection, a desire to be seen and loved, and to connect as family, as wantok. I rejoice now in realizing Rachel and I have been similarly embraced by so many of our missionary brothers and sisters - appreciative we are here, welcoming us into Family, joyfully expectant of what God might do with our time here. Thank you Lord!

This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot. Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God. They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them 
occupied with gladness of heart.
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬-‭20‬

Our first week on Station has felt like a whole month, each day heavy laden with activities and conversations and (for me) innumerable medical complexities and mental exercise. The following pictures and stories are just a glimpse, and I hope they stoke your heart and imagination to new depths and heights. You are with us in Spirit when you join with us in prayer, so I encourage you to pray for us and these people as you read, as the Lord leads you. 

Every morning we awake to joyful birdsong, a glowing sunrise, and steaming Highlands coffee. Pennie and Solomon are still tending to wake up early, and Papa gets a heart full of cuddles to start the day, dearly welcome even though this typically interrupts my morning devotions. 

I haven’t yet restarted my usual pre-dawn F3 bootcamp workouts as most afternoons have boasted their own share of fitness, including Friday Kids’ PE (soccer), Saturday volleyball, Sunday “Murph” with the guys (our "warrior faces" pictured below), Monday after school kids’ F3 bootcamp, Tuesday after work hike around the hydro dam (and kids’ river rock collecting), and Wednesday afternoon pickup soccer. It surprises me every time, but I’m so easily winded with the high altitude here! 

My daily hospital routine starts on A Ward (Pediatric Admissions) where I care for a wide variety of complex cases - most commonly young children with pneumonia, diarrheal illnesses, and malnutrition. But frequently more serious cases of Tuberculosis, Meningitis, Malaria, and Congenital Heart Defects. Dr Abigail Ginn is another American Pediatrician serving here at Kudjip and she covers the other half of the Ward. After rounds we circle up with the A Ward staff to pray, placing the healing of these children into the Lord’s capable hands. We are each just a part of the whole so we pray to be united in our efforts, asking Jesus to lead us in wisdom to impart ourselves to one another for His work of healing in this hospital - both physical and spiritual. 

The other day a three week old baby was admitted with combined sepsis and pneumonia, and as I examined the baby the Spirit inspired me to also see the young mother’s desperation. She admitted to being alone at the hospital without family to bring food. I prayed with her and offered to help, then placed a text to my God Squad (Rachel, Pennie, and Solomon) who met me back on the Ward at lunch time with a bag full of groceries for this single mother. Pennie and Solomon then toured the Ward handing out “Jesus Loves You” stickers to all the patients. Every time we serve at Kudjip we bring with us a lot of stickers and wrist bands that say “Jesus Loves You,” and when I pray with patients I will remove the band from my own wrist and place it on the patient’s wrist as a reminder that they are truly loved, and that God sees their need. “Bilas” (decorations) are especially appreciated here, and brightly colored wrist bracelets proclaiming the name of Jesus are always enthusiastically received. Praise His name! 

After morning rounds, I spend the day seeing patients of all ages in the outpatient clinic. My very first patient was a wasted middle-aged man recently diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, who had returned to clinic hoping for a different diagnosis. He had also accepted Christ as Lord in the interim, and instead of changing his diagnosis, I read him some scripture from the Tok Pisin Buk Baibel, and made an effort to commission him to make every breath count for the Kingdom while he yet lived. I’m not sure he was convinced of the joy and peace Jesus can provide in the midst of trial, but we prayed for His heart to be open and healed for the work of Gospel testimony, and I’ll bet he wears that Jesus Loves You bracelet for the rest of his life. 

Procedures are a common accompaniment to my daily routine, and something I particularly enjoy - spinal taps to look for brain infections, placing drains for abdominal and lung TB fluid, incision and drainage of abscesses (picture above of an infected Tuberculoma that volcanoed a huge amount of pus…ew), and of course my highly "specialized" superglue trick for removing foreign bodies from the ear/nose of little kids (this little gal had a smooth pebble lodged deep in her ear). Success!

Most of the outpatient visits are fairly routine - acid reflux that causes worries about the heart, various acute and chronic musculoskeletal pains, fractures that need an xray and casting, refilling chronic case medications (Hypertension, Diabetes, Leukemia, etc), pregnancy complications, new and follow-up cases of tuberculosis, and older folks with exacerbations of COPD and/or heart failure. Yesterday I had a very interesting case of an almost 3 year old boy from way out in the Jimi valley who had developed partial paralysis of both legs a month ago. Among a wide range of possible reasons for paralysis we have to consider Polio here in PNG, as most children are not vaccinated fully. My dear friend Mark Crouch is a long-term Doc here at Kudjip and sits on the Polio Advisory Board for PNG, so he was able to point me in the right direction for rolling out the testing and reporting protocols for Polio. A spinal film later showed a possible abnormality at his second lumbar vertebrae (difficult to see, but follow the vertebral bodies down the line, and you'll see one that's pushed out more to the right of the picture), which makes Potts (spinal TB) a more likely diagnosis. We have started some steroids and TB meds for this boy - please join us in praying for complete healing!

Among many reunions around Station, we have a few friends from the community who regularly pay us porch visits. John Gari and Jon Opa have been a part of our lives on past trips to PNG, and you may recall our amazing $upporters provided for Jon Opa (second picture) to get dentures on our last trip - what a wonderful smile!

We are again hoping to bless these men and many others during our time here with extra funds provided by so many of you. Please pray the Lord reveals the right opportunities and directs our generosity in ways that advance the Kingdom. 

If you have read this far, THANK YOU! It brings us great joy to have you and your prayer power in our corner. We are in this together! 

All our Love, Ted, Rachel, Pennie, and Solomon

And we know that in all things 

God works for the good of those who love Him, 

who have been called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

Friday, March 7, 2025

Full Hearts, Full Schedule

Praise the Lord, we have returned safely to Papua New Guinea!

Dear Readers and Supporters all, Never has our travel half way around the world been smoother! Every leg of the journey we felt the peace and presence of the Lord - even with multiple flight delays causing many of our travel companions great frustration, our built-in layover times meant we never felt rushed or frazzled. And for the first time ever the airline in Port Moresby didn't require us to pay extra baggage fees. It's a modern miracle! Haha

After close to 40 hours in travel and only a few hours of sleep Uncle Don and his fantastic curled mustache greeted us at Mount Hagen airport and all our luggage was blessedly accounted for. The wonderfully familiar sights, sounds, and smells of the Highlands revived all our sleep deprived senses, and we kept the windows down for our drive to Kudjip Station until the land wept in joy for our return - OK, it down poured, but it was beautiful!

The rain stopped by the time we arrived on Station and our dear friends the Crouch family rolled in with hugs and helping hands to unload into our home for the next three months which was beautifully prepared for our arrival. Pennie and Solomon were amazing troopers for the entire trip and were rewarded with house pets! - a sweet cuddly cat named Hannah and two adorable bleating sheep named Neville and Minnie. 

Never ones to leave things undone, Rachel and I got the kids bathed and to bed, and then tackled unpacking the luggage - at least the most important items. Needless to say we all slept very soundly that night and awoke to jungle highlands birdsong and cicadas greeting a glowing dawn. Hot coffee paired perfectly with the cool damp morning and while Rachel was off to town early for a big grocery shopping trip the kids and I did some more unpacking and relaxing play time. 

This trip to PNG marks a 10 year anniversary of our first trip to PNG when we served at Kudjip for a year, and the kids and I had a wonderful walk down memory lane touring the entire Station and pointing out houses we have lived in previously, trees we've planted, and places we've had adventures. Pennie and Solomon were particularly excited to dip their toes in the cool fast flowing waters of the canal and to buy some treats at the little hospital canteen. 

Feeling extremely loved and welcomed, we stopped for countless conversations with old friends and new, and were invited to join the MK's (missionary kids) Art class. Aunt Genae did a lovely job reviewing the seven elements of Art and focused on "Texture" with the children making rooster pictures from torn pieces of magazines. Pennie loved every second of it while Solomon quietly mentioned he preferred his less crowded home school with Mama. Well, not wanting to miss the fun, I teamed up with Solomon and we made a Texture masterpiece that he is very proud of. 

Rachel returned later in the afternoon with a truckload of supplies and tirelessly set about cleaning and organizing all the groceries and household items. When asked if we could help unpack, she declared she "has a system" and sent us outside to play with a gang of neighbors and friends. It seems impossible, but while I sit here in the living room typing this post, within just 48 hours of arrival, Rachel has meticulously organized and cleaned everything to perfection. I am reminded every day what a blessing we have in Rachel/Mama - she is selfless, tireless, efficient, and mission-driven. Thank you Lord!!!

Today (Friday, Mar 7th) was my first day back in the hospital, which started with the Doctor's Prayer Meeting, then rounds with Jake (ER Doc) on the Pediatric Ward. I was again stopped at every turn for hugs and greetings by staff who I know and love well, and it reminded me of how deeply thankful I am to work with these amazing brothers and sisters serving the Lord. This joy contrasted sharply with a toddler taking his last agonal breaths during our rounds - a complex case of chronic heart and lung disease which had Jake and Abigail (Peds Doc) heartbroken after months of heroic efforts. If this wasn't bad enough we also rounded on a 6 year old female who had been admitted for bleeding after being raped by an older teen male. Talk about heartbreak. There is so much violence and brokenness in the PNG culture which can feel unbearable to witness - until I remember what Jesus has asked me to do here - to be His hands that reach out to console, His words of comfort and love and hope, His presence of peace and compassion. To be a missionary means to remain on mission, so please pray for me in this.

I found myself later this morning in the ER with Jake, doing whatever possible to remain helpful while still in a space of re-learning everything. The biggest change has been getting acquainted with the hospital's new EMR (Electronic Medical Record), which is a far cry from the way we have charted on paper for decades at Kudjip and will certainly take me some time getting used to. I slowly worked through seeing and admitted an infant for pneumonia, and then a lady came in with a massive machete wound on her left leg/buttock. It was tough to hear her story as this was not her first injury recently and raised some major red flags about whether she would be safe to return home. 

Jake and I set her up for closing the wound but half way into suturing the anesthesia wasn't sufficient and she became more active, almost coming off the exam table and grabbing at us. It took four of us to keep her still for another dose of anesthesia but praise God the wound was closed nicely and I retired home for a spot of lunch before helping Mark (Family Doc) lead the MK kids (including Pennie and Solomon) in playing soccer for a PE class. The exercise and bright sunshine felt amazing, even though I always find myself breathless here after even brief cardio as the Hospital is at fairly high altitude.

The full schedule may seem like madness, but it matches our full hearts as we remain on cloud nine celebrating each moment and experience being here again at Kudjip, our home away from home. We are deeply grateful to so many of you who have partnered with us to get here and continue to pray for our ministry. We covet your continued prayer for:

  • Speedy jet lag recovery and remaining healthy to do God's work here
  • Wisdom for me to remember all the complex medical management and quickly learning the new EMR system
  • Divine Appointments - eyes open for us to see everyone with Jesus' perspective and time/opportunity to deepen relationships and share the Love of Jesus with them
  • Rachel and the kids getting back onto their home school routine while balancing the many challenges and joys of living here


Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, 

so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ.

Colossians 4:2-3