Tuesday, March 17, 2020

It's not all fun and games...

Don’t let all the sweetly playing pics in this post fool you...keeping two tiny people alive, fed, clothed, sort of clean, diapered/bathroomed, and occupied is exhausting in America...even more so in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea.  
Ted shared in his latest post about this past week feeling so long, and I wholeheartedly agree!  The kids and I have gotten into a good daily routine, which is great...but...we are ALL working through the difficult lesson that well established behavior back home does not necessarily apply in a different home in another country.  Culture shock for a toddler seems to look like throwing all the normal behavior expectations out the window and starting from scratch; testing every possible boundary there is to test - whether that’s trying to climb up on top of the dinner table, wandering into the road, or refusing to comply with a simple directive ... it’s all testing ... and it’s been happening ALL week.  
So while Ted is working to keep kids alive and healthy up at the hospital, I’m struggling not to lose my temper with Pennie & Solomon.  I could let this adjustment that the kiddos are going through get to me (and to be honest - I definitely do sometimes), but then I remember the humbling truth that we are all a bunch of “testy” toddlers in a way.  We know the path we should take and the choices we should make, yet we continue to “test” by stepping out of line and communication with our God.  Just like Pennie refusing to listen and obey when I ask her to do something, or Solomon opening the fridge when he’s been told not to.... we hear and know the voice of God... but we choose to ignore Him at times. Thank goodness our Papa God has a never-ending supply of love and patience with us!  He gently guides and corrects us, knowing that we very well may make the same mistakes tomorrow.  I grab on to this truth and hold it tight when I feel like I’ve said “no” / “listen” / “stop” for the hundredth time... 
So take a deep breath with me, and let’s thank our Father God for His ever constant love, guidance and grace!  

Now ... to all the fun playtime pics!  

Gideon, a local artisan & friend, made a flute & bow/arrow for the kids.

Climbing on the MK Elementary School playground

Running home for snack
Swinging on the rotary clothesline
Play-doh time!

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