We are fully funded for our mission trip to Kudjip this Spring!
THANK YOU for partnering with us!!
We are humbled and overwhelmed by God's perfectly-timed provision and everyone's generous support. Any additional funds we raise will be available to use for benevolence projects while we are in PNG: patients that need hospital costs covered, a bush church that sponsors children in need, supplies for a nearby orphanage, etc.
As we prepare to depart in 6 weeks, we would appreciate your prayers for the following:
- That God would prepare our hearts, minds and bodies for serving the needs of the people in Papua New Guinea, as well as the full-time missionary families at Kudjip
- Time-management & wisdom in wrapping up & packing up life/ministry/work/school in Richmond
- Safety, health and smooth connections as we travel 38 hours across the world to Kudjip
Rachel, Ted, Pennie & Solomon
"Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—
given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way." Luke 6:38 (MSG)
Praise the Lord!!! Celebrating the goodness and provision of our Heavenly Father! 🙌🏼