Monday, March 2, 2015

Sharing Mark's Heart

Dear Readers,

I am most honored to share with you the most recent Blog Posting of my friend and colleague, Dr Mark Crouch, who just eliminated all reason for me to attempt writing anything of my own. :-)

Please enjoy this:  CONSOLATION

But, because I know you wouldn't let me get away with just reposting someone else's Blog (no matter how perfect), here are some recent pics. 

Love and Peace, Ted

Little Teddy returned for a check up!

 My little neighbor John John - super cute.

Baby "Rachel" on A ward - a VERY happy ending to what seemed might be another sad tale. She was admitted with bronchiolitis, and one morning after explaining to her mother she wasn't doing well, and praying over her, she stopped breathing! I was happy to be there at that moment, to supply masked breaths, turn up the Oxygen, and suction her chest, but having seen so many other babies succumb to similar illnesses, I wasn't optimistic. But, with high flow oxygen and a very astute mother, the baby survived! She then adopted the Namesake "Rachel" after my own dear wifey. 

 Stephanie returned for a check-up! Having been on Synthroid for three months, her parents were delighted to share all the ways she was developing and growing.

Say hello to Merolyn, who I met the other week while rounding on D Ward (newborn babies). The story is sad, but has a happy ending. One day on rounds, she admitted to me that her milk supply had run out. Upon a LOT of further questioning, she finally came around to saying, in a very quiet voice, that her wontok (family supporters) had not come to the hospital in almost a week, and she had run out of food 4 days prior. The poor girl was literally starving! and her baby was going the same direction because her milk supply was drying up. Not cool! So, when I came home for lunch that day, Rachel helped me pull together a dozen hard boiled eggs, a hand of bananas, and some canned tuna. That afternoon, we discretely brought the goodie bag to Merolyn, and prayed with her. Within 2 days, baby was gaining weight again, and they went home shortly thereafter. The (happy) End. :-)

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