Well hi there Blogaholics. Rachel and I have safely returned from a few days of vacation in Madang, on the Northern coast of PNG. A big thank you to our mothers (Anne and Florence) for sponsoring this little 10-year anniversary getaway. We went with our Kudjip besties, Mark and Esther Crouch, and their three adorable kiddos, Anna, Levi, and Lucy. The weather and snorkeling were excellent, and we enjoyed canoeing to a little island off the coast for beach recreation and adventure. What a blessing!
Returning to work today brought me back to the reality of third world medical missions, a surprisingly emotional reality heightened in the knowledge that we only have a few weeks left here at Kudjip. I didn’t think about it much during our week of vaca, but I really missed seeing and serving the variety of physical and spiritual needs at the hospital. I know God has plans for our time Stateside, and we’re praying for Him to reveal just the right job for me…but with the taste of Kudjip-withdrawal in my heart, I’ll be savoring every moment we have left. What follows are snapshots of a few of my patients today – so you too can savor our remaining time here!
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TRACY is a beautiful 10 year old girl who has been with us on the Peds Ward for the last few weeks. When she was 3 years old, her brother accidentally shot her with a pistol, which he thought was a toy. The bullet severed her spinal cord, and she has been paralyzed ever since. She can’t sit up straight, or move her legs, and she doesn’t have control over her bladder/bowels. At home, she was allowed to sit for too long, likely on soaked bedding, which caused a number of severe bed sores to develop. She is here at Kudjip for wound care, prevention of infection, and family education. Please pray for TRACY’s recovery, and that she would come to know Jesus as her Lord, Savior, and Healer.
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MATHLINA was admitted to the Peds Ward today by Dr Bill for Kwashiorkor, a severe protein-deficient malnutrition, which causes anasarca (generalized edema/swelling) and skin sloughing. Protein malnutrition is the leading cause of death worldwide in children less than 5, and we see every form here at Kudjip. MATHLINA will be with us for at least a couple of weeks, having protein reintroduced to his diet and giving the family education regarding proper nutrition. Please pray for his recovery, both physical and spiritual.
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WAPI is 5 years old, and has been sick for the last 2-3 weeks with fever, cough, joint aches, and dehydration. After her chest X-ray revealed an enlarged heart, she was admitted with a possible diagnosis of Rheumatic Heart Disease. WAPI hasn’t gotten any better on antibiotics and steroids, and her repeat chest film today showed worsening fluid in her lungs and still a large heart. Ultrasound of her heart revealed a large pericardial effusion with fibrin stranding, which here in PNG almost always means Tuberculosis. Please pray the TB medications work to cure WAPI’s illness.
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After returning WAPI to A Ward, I was flagged down by a young man carrying a cardboard box, offering to sell me its contents. Intrigued, I had a closer look through a small hole, only to nearly have my eye pecked out by the iconic Greater Bird of Paradise. After a little convincing (he wanted money just to open the box), the kind gentleman agreed to take the bird out for a picture. Lovely!
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JOHN came to me in clinic today with a very familiar story – reduced appetite with weight loss, abdominal distension, and a history of Hepatitis B. I didn’t feel a large lumpy liver on exam, but his ultrasound showed mild ascites (free abdo fluid) and evident Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the middle lobe of his liver. HCC is a common finding here in PNG (I’ve seen at least 15 cases in the past year), and without effective surgical/chemo options, we call it terminal and just provide supportive/palliative care. As usual following my diagnosis explanation, I inquired after JOHN’s Spiritual Health, encouraging him to turn his terminal diagnosis into a testimony for other’s to also turn to Christ. We prayed and I hung a small wooden cross around his neck – a symbol of Faith and Hope, where he can turn at any moment to exchange a heavy heart for the Peace of Christ which transcends beyond our understanding. (Philippians 4:4-7)
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KUMUL is 10 years old, but looks no more than 5, and like he just came from a concentration camp. His wasted frame caught my attention as they sat in the hallway waiting to be seen. Apparently he suffered from TB meningitis when he was 5 years old, and hasn't been the same since. He doesn't talk, can't bear his own weight, and drools all the time. His mother gave up trying to force feed him, and has wasted away ever since. Please pray KUMUL's family is able to rally in supplying him the nutrition he needs.
BETTY, a mother of 4, told me today that she has experienced excessive vaginal bleeding for the last 6 weeks, and I found a melon-sized mass where her uterus should be. On ultrasound, I found her uterus filled with the classic “snowstorm” appearance of a Molar pregnancy. I admitted BETTY for bloodwork in preparation for a D&C tomorrow (minor procedure for cleaning out of the uterus) – please pray for no complications (these are known for heavy bleeding with a D&C), and that BETTY grows closer to our Lord through this experience.
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Last, but not least, MCKAYLA reviewed with me for follow up (her story HERE - what a difference!), and I’m very pleased to report that her NG tube feeds are working quite well…she is now a “tripela pikinini”, which means she is nice and fat! :-) Her parents are ever-eager to trial oral feeding, but I’m not convinced her swallowing coordination is up to the task. Please pray for her parents to have patience and use caution with trialing some thickened formula feeds, and pray for MCKAYLA’s continued strengthening – body, mind, and Spirit.
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